How to get decryted backup of whatsapp database on android

 In this tutorial, I will show you how to get decryted backup of whatsapp database on android. Maybe you have been seeking away on how to get decryted backup of whatsapp database on android but you don't get any useful results. Thanks to the author who prepared this article on how to get decryted backup of whatsapp database on android.

STEP 1  
Your phone should be rooted. Now, to do that, I will recommend an app called Z4root.UniversalAndroot also works best. Credit to
When you install the app on your phone, you will get an interface similar to the one on your right hand. 
The “Temporary root” means the phone remains rooted until you power it off.
The “Permanent root” means your phone remains rooted forever until you Unroot it.
The app can actually Unroot your phone after it has been rooted. 


When you are done rooting the phone, the next step is to make a back up of your Whatsapp messages. Whatsapp automatically backups your messages, but these messages are encrypted. So to get the decrypted messages, we are going to use an app called Titanium Backup. You can get it from the App Store. This tool will help us back up the Whatsapp message and get the database in a decrypted form.

decryted backup of whatsapp database on android

When you install Titanium Backup, you should get an interface similar to the one on your right hand.
Click on “Backup/Restore”. Look through the list of programs; find Whatsapp and click on it.
Now, you only have to click on “Backup” and the app will start to back up your Whatsapp messages.
When that is done, you get a folder named, “TitaniumBackup” on your SD Card. Connect your phone to your computer and copy this folder to your desktop. Now extract the folder. You will find three files. Extract the one with the name “com.whatsapp-20140121-015428.tar”  or similar. Inside this folder, you will find a folder named “Databases” which contains two files “msgstore” and ”wa”. Copy the folder and place it somewhere on your Desktop.













Now we have the two database files, “msgstore” and ”wa”. These files contain what we are looking for. You can even drag and drop these files into notepad, but the results wouldn't really make any sense. So what we need is SQLite database browser which will help us to view the messages in a well-defined order

decryted backup of whatsapp database on android

I will recommend a program called“SQLite Administrator”. ClickHEREto download.


When done, you don’t need to install it. Only extract it, and find “sqliteadmin” in the folder, double click it and run.
What you need to do now is to look at the “Menu bar” Click on “Database” and choose “Open”. What you need to do is to locate the Whatsapp Backup database you stored on your Desktop, and import the “msgstore”.

When done, look on the left-hand side; click on “Tables”, and below the “messages”
 click on “_id”.  You should find an interface similar to the one below.
A little interpretation: “key_remote_jid” represents the contacts.
“status(0)” represents the person who sent the message and “status(5)” represents the owner of the phone.
The “data” is obviously the sent and received messages.
Now you will notice that the messages are all mixed up, don’t worry. Follow me to step 5 and let’s tidy up a few things.

Read also: How to Read WhatsApp Crypt6 to Crypt12 Database on PC Without Crypt Key




Click on the “SQL Query” tab and enter the following command.

Select `status`, `data` from `messages` where `key_remote_jid` = ‘…’ ORDER BY `_id`








NOTE, VERY IMPORTANT:With the  `key_remote_jid` = ‘…’, replace the … with a value you obtain from the  `key_remote_jid` column, it represents the contact numbers in the form, where xxx represents the contact number.
Press (F9) or click on the “Execute SQL Query with Results” button.

You can do the same with the “wa” database file, which contains the actual names of the contacts, but not the messages.



This article showed you how to get decrypted backup of whatsapp database on android

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Author: Joel Ameah

9 thoughts on “How to get decryted backup of whatsapp database on android

  1. Whats app has certainly transformed the messaging world with a storm. Ever since it has been introduced is providing reliable and incredible mode of message services to the users. Undoubtedly the message services have evolved with a modern touch and this journey is inspiring for all of us, The rapid changes in the technology have provided an exclusive and matchless user experience that would surely enhance in the future with its evolution.

  2. I tried your totorial. Evereything worked fine, just the sql query didin’d show any results. What went wrong? Can you help?

    1. To make the query work, make sure you use the key just below the ESC key ( ` ) which is similar to the single quote ( ‘ ). You only use the single quote for the value of the `key_remote_jid` = ‘…’ <=here

  3. Hi I installed the z4root successfully but titanium back root doesn’t work it displays this message” Sorry I could not acquire privileges. this application will not *work*! Please verify that your ROM is rooted, and try again. This attempt was made using the “/system/bin/su” command.

    Ps help

  4. Hey i dont find Z4root in Playstore and I use micromax A111 doodle. Pls can u suggest any other To root my phone!

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